Need help?

No matter how much information you put out there, some questions will always remain. We are looking forward to helping you out. However, before reaching out to us please check the below list of most frequently asked questions. This will give us more time to answer specifics and it saves you time waiting for our reply.

Qualification for treatment depends on the following:

  • The availability of medical treatments for your specific medical profile: EHT will require your full medical diagnosis and treatment reports, which will be forwarded to the applicable healthcare authorities and medical teams for further determination of eligibility and best treatment program;
  • Visa qualifications: EHT will direct, facilitate and assist you in your visa application. Upon approval, we will direct you to the best available travel route. Those who qualify enjoy medical care at some of the world’s top health care facilities without suffering through the extended waiting times faced in their home country.

Each medical case is unique. From our experience and depending on the speed we receive your translated medical treatment and diagnosis reports, it usually takes between 10-14 business days (excluding national and religious holidays) for the EHT Authorities to come back to us with a final assessment and decision regarding your treatment. We will keep you informed every step of the way of where we are in the process. If you are approved for a treatment, such approval will be in a form of a treatment program, which will promptly be forwarded to you.

Visitors to Turkey for medical care testify that treatments, (which include, hospital stays and treatment at some of the world’s most prestigious healthcare facilities, accommodations, meals, recovery, and recuperation for the patient and a companion), are considered to be at about 40 to 60 percent less expensive than the cost of treatment in their home countries.

Upon receipt of your final assessment and treatment program from the Medical authorities, EHT will forward said program to you. Said program will include the following details:

  • Full details of the treatment program designed for you
  • The costs of said program including the designated medical facility, accommodations, treatment, and recovery details
  • Full details of the recreational program available, including resort details, for you and your companion, should you decide to use such service
  • Other details such as airport pickup and drop off, evaluation and testing, accommodation, meals, medical care
  • Extended recuperation and convalescence programs (should you decide to use them)

As for EHT, our team, in full coordination with the Turkish Medical Authorities, will be on standby to offer the following services

  • Working all the logistics regarding the patient’s arrival
  • Offer continuous translation and guidance services during the patient’s stay in Turkey
  • Arrange entertainment programs (at an additional cost), should the patient wish to and should the patient’s Turkish Medical team agree

Other than medicines, disposables, blood derivatives or substitutes and artificial supporting materials when indicated, all costs, including round trip flights, translation services, companion’s accommodations are furnished ahead of time to the visitor.

At EHT, we are fully staffed with teams of local medical associates fluent in English, allowing us to eliminate any language barriers between you and the team presiding over your recovery. Our associates will assist you every step of the way, from your arrival until the conclusion of your treatment and departure.

Prestigious Turkish clinics and health centers have programs and medical practices based on a more articulated, organic and large-scale commercial activity.

Utilizing the experience Turkey has gained medical services, the strong infrastructure and logistics of its National Health System, support from the pharmaceutical industry, technologies, and the expertise of highly competitive human capital, a group of programs have been created addressing high-demand specialties in the fields of Ophthalmology, Dermatology, Orthopedics, Orthopedics, Neurology and Neurosurgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Adult and Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgery, Oncology Surgery, Bariatrics Surgery, among others.

Turkish medical healthcare centers enter the international market of health services, with the guarantee and support of being accredited through their medical and health institutions. These health centers now exhibit ISO 9001- 2008 compliance certificates issued by the most prestigious certification organizations AENOR and Bureau Veritas as a reward for the quality of their management systems.

The certificates achieved by these institutions, define and strengthens Turkey as ’Country Health’ destination.

We will arrange the travel arrangement, stay, and accommodation and follow-up appointments with the original medical team to ensure the continuity of good medical care. It should be noted that it usually takes less waiting time, and costs less, to visit your Turkish medical team than to visit one in your home country.

Turkish healthcare facilities and hospitals adhere to world class standards.

Should you decide to make Turkey your medical treatment destination, you will discover that these facilities follow rigorous cleanliness and sterilization programs. Furthermore, such facilities boast world class, 5-star standards, and are certified 9001.

Please visit our blog for the latest medical and scientific breakthroughs from the Republic of Turkey.

Feel free to contact us directly through phone call, We are always here to help you

+90 (312) 286 44 50
